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Motivated Property Sellers

There is no one way to sell a property, because no property and seller are alike!  It is a fundamental flaw in the marketing offered by most real estate companies that the same essential package is offered to most sellers.  Little regard is made for the difference in seller’s circumstances and motivation or the area or the property!  It’s a one size fits all or some extra bells and whistles for the more expensive homes.

Well this is not the case with Chas Everitt Cape Town South.  Over the last few years we developed a tried and tested system that is centred around the strategic managed release of a property into the market with its own phased approach designed to stimulate maximum interest and response from qualified  buyers.

Does this sound interesting to you as a seller?  If you would like to know how you can secure these benefits, you will appreciate we cannot detail this here but if you contact the Chas Everitt Cape Town South area specialist who manages your area they will gladly explain how our management of the marketing process is fundementally different to what you have heard before.

Southern Suburbs Specialists

False Bay Specialists

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